Tuesday, October 04, 2005

6mm vs. 10mm Experiment

Now that Warmaster Ancients is out, I've been itching to play game. Down in Savannah, it looks like I'm the only torch bearer, so it looks like I'll have to paint up 2 opposing armies. 10mm is the "standard" for Warmaster (like 15mm for DBx), but I was curious about 6mm. About 10 years ago, I first attempted 6mm with GW's Space Marine and failed horribly. But seeing how I could field 2 armies cheaper by using 6mm figures was enough to inspire me to try it again. Hence, the reason behind the 6mm vs. 10mm experiment!

Having painted up a stand for Warmaster Ancients, both in 10mm (using Pendraken figures) and 6mm (using Baccus figures) has allowed me to see some differences - other than size & cost! I like the freedom of painting as much or as little of the details of the figures. I find that I have more freedom with 6mm than with 10mm. And when armed with a small brush, I can breeze through the 6mm. With the 10mm, I found myself deciding if I was going to paint a sleeve either as armor or as a tunic. Plus, with the larger scale I found that I had more flesh to paint - mainly the legs. I was going crazy with having to paint the front and sides of the legs.

So for now, my choice is to do the Punic Wars in 6mm for Warmaster Ancients. Time and cost were the deciding factors.

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