Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Starship Troopers - Brain Bug

Base coated with cheap Wal-Mart Flat Black spray paint. I then drybrushed Delta Ceramcoat's Spice Brown all over the Brain Bug. I followed up with a drybrush of DC Toffee Brown on the main body, brain sucker spike and underside of the bug, not touching the claws and face. The brain sucker also got a drybrush of DC Wild Rice and a touch of DC Black on the spike. For the face, I used DC Midnight Blue for the eyes and Wild Rice & Napthol Red Light around the mouth area.

The Chariot Bugs got a base coat of the cheap Wal-Mart Flat Black spray paint. I then drybrushed Delta Ceramcoat Storm Grey all over. I then drybrushed DC Bright Red on the top.

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